Virginia Cheerleading
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Cheerleaders of the ACC
For over twenty years I have taken a team photo of every Atlantic Coach Conference cheerleading teams that came to Scott Stadium to cheer football games.
Back in 1994, there were only nine ACC schools. Now the conference has grown to fifteen.
On each football game day, I walk down and greet each ACC cheer team and welcome them to the University of Virginia and Scott Stadium. Many know Coach Kelley Haney, and for those who do not, they meet her later in the pre-game or during half-time.
My season tickets are near where visiting teams cheer, so I enjoy watching them throughout the game, and usually give them a well and safe wish afterwards. Needless to say, I look forward to this at each home football game.
I invite you to browse through the many years of ACC cheerleading pictures that I have taken over the course of time. Jim Arbuckle